IIPCH Register
This register contains the names of those individuals who are members of the IIPCH.
They have all demonstrated a level of excellence to the Institute through their training, background and experience or have completed training through The Manchester College of Coaching and Hypnotherapy.
Mairead Ajibade, Life Coach, Hypnotherapist
Natasha Allender, Life Coach, Hypnotherapist
Johanna Anderson, Life Coach, Hypnotherapist
Andrew Archibald, Life Coach, Hypnotherapist
Diane Aronwich, Life Coach, Hypnotherapist
Tahir Aslam, Life Coach, Hypnotherapist
Karen Atkins, Life Coach, Hypnotherapist
Sharon Atkinson, Life Coach, Hypnotherapist
Paula Maria Bailey, Life Coach, Hypnotherapist
Charles Baillie, Life Coach, Hypnotherapist
Calum Barclay, Life Coach, Hypnotherapist
Isobel Barclay, Life Coach, Hypnotherapist
Philip Bret Barlow, Life Coach, Hypnotherapist
Jacqui Bell, Corporate Coach, Life Coach, Hypnotherapist
Linda Bell, Life Coach, Hypnotherapist
Richard Bellars,, Corporate and Personal Coach
Nestor Beveridge, Life Coach, Hypnotherapist
Mansour Biltaji, Life Coach, Hypnotherapist
Sarah Birchall, Life Coach, Hypnotherapist
Roger Blight, Finance and Business Coach
Graham Boulter, Hypnotherapist
Jeannette Boulter, Life Coach, Hypnotherapist
Georgia Bowen, Life Coach, Hypnotherapist
Yvonne Bowley, Life Coach, Hypnotherapist
Kathryn Broadbent, NLP Coach, Life Coach, Hypnotherapist
Conchita Cameron, Life Coach, Hypnotherapist
Ed Campbell, Life Coach, Hypnotherapist
Suzanne Campbell, Life Coach, Hypnotherapist
Claire Castinel, Life Coach, Hypnotherapist
Chris Challinor, Coach
Sara Chambers Ross, NLP Coach, Hypnotherapist
Antonia Christodoulou, Life Coach, Hypnotherapist
Ilona Clail, Life Coach, Hypnotherapist
Victoria Clarke, Life Coach, Hypnotherapist
Karen Corbett, Life Coach, Hypnotherapist
Olivia Cornacchia, Life Coach, Hypnotherapist
Claire Cornwall, Life Coach, Hypnotherapist
Annie Cornwall-Legh, Life Coach, Hypnotherapist,
David Craig, NLP Coach, Hypnotherapist
Marion Craig, NLP Coach, Hypnotherapist
Elizabeth White Craigmyle, Life Coach, Hypnotherapist
Amanda Craven, Life Coach, Hypnotherapist
Penelope Crawford, NLP Coach, Hypnotherapist
Jasmina Curt, NLP Coach, Hypnotherapist
Ian David Curtis, Life Coach, Hypnotherapist
Lynne Dalgleish, Life Coach, Hypnotherapist
Gillian Hamilton Dalgliesh, Life Coach, Hypnotherapist
Emma Dick, Life Coach, Hypnotherapist
Audrey Dillon, Life Coach, Hypnotherapist
Tracey Dillon, Life Coach, Hypnotherapist
Keith Dean, Life Coach, Hypnotherapist
Viv Dixon, Coach
Gaenor P Dowd, NLP Coach, Hypnotherapist
Caroline Dawe, Life Coach, Hypnotherapist
Jean Doolin, Life Coach, Hypnotherapist
Zoe Douglas-Judson, Life Coach, Hypnotherapist
Rebecca Dowling-Fox, Life Coach, Hypnotherapist
Lousie Downie, Coach, Hypnotherapist
Tommy Doyle, Life Coach, Hypnotherapist
Lucyna Ellis, NLP Coach, Hypnotherapist
Tordis Eva Enright, Life Coach, Hypnotherapist
Suzie Exley, Life Coach, Hypnotherapist
Sian Marie Fagan, Life Coach, Hypnotherapist
Duncan Farrell, NLP Coach, Hypnotherapist
Kerera Finlayson, Life Coach, Hypnotherapist
Jacqueline Fintry, Life Coach, Hypnotherapist
Linda Elaine Foley, Life Coach, Hypnotherapist
Denise Ford, Life Coach, Hypnotherapist
Rose Fraile-Joerg, Life Coach, Hypnotherapist
Felician Francis, Life Coach, Hypnotherapist
Jodie, Leah, Fraser Smith, Life Coach, Hypnotherapist
Kelly Freeman, Life Coach, Hypnotherapist
Brenda Fulton, Life Coach, Hypnotherapist
David Fulton, Life Coach, Hypnotherapist
Louise Fury, NLP Coach, Hypnotherapist
Derek Gall, Life Coach, Hypnotherapist
Theresa Gallagher,Life Coach, Hypnotherapist
Pauline Gardner, Life Coach, Hypnotherapist
Wayne Neo Gin Han, NLP Coach, Hypnotherapist
Jean Glen, Life Coach, Hypnotherapist
Sonia Goodsir, Life Coach, Hypnotherapist
Catherine Gordon, NLP Coach, Hypnotherapist
Laura Gordon, NLP Coach, Hypnotherapist
Sheona Gordon, Life Coach, Hypnotherapist
Susan J Grace, Life Coach, Hypnotherapist
Fiona Gray, Life Coach, Hypnotherapist
Kirsten Green, Life Coach, Hypnotherapist
Andy Griffiths, Life Coach, Hypnotherapist
Carol Ann Griffiths, Life coach, Hypnotherapist, Trainer
Claire Hamilton, Life Coach, Hypnotherapist
Sophia Hanson, Life Coach, Hypnotherapist
Tania Harper, Life Coach, Hypnotherapist
Sean Harris, Sports Coach, Hypnotherapist
Steve Harris, Business Coach
Madelaine Harvey, Life Coach, Hypnotherapist
Grahame Harwood, Finance and Business Coach
Elliott Henderson, Life Coach, Hypnotherapist
Sujarda Herring, Life Coach, Hypnotherapist
Sarah Hey, Life Coach, Hypnotherapist
Carol Hickson, Life Coach, Hypnotherapist
Rebecca Claire Hobbis, Life Coach, Hypnotherapist
Gavin Hutton, Life Coach, Hypnotherapist
Ewan Innes, NLP Coach, Hypnotherapist
Lindy Irving, Coach, Hypnotherapist
Kathryn Illsley, LIfe Coach, Hypnotherapist
Henry Jagielko, NLP Coach, Hypnotherapist
Kevin Johnston, NLP Coach, Hypnotherapist
Sonia Johnston, NLP Coach, Hypnotherapist
Zoe Johnson, Life Coach, Hypnotherapist
Paula Jones, Coach
Christine Jones, Life Coach, Clinical Hypnotherapist
Gemma Karami, Life Coach, Hypnotherapist
Claire Kelly, Life Coach, Hypnotherapist
Louise Ktoris, NLP Coach, Hypnotherapist
Eileen Laidlaw, NLP Coach, Hypnotherapist
Laura Langton, Life Coach, Hypnotherapist
Alison Levesley, Soul Coach, Hypnotherapist
Elaine Lines, Corporate and Personal Coach
Samantha Littlejohns, Life Coach, Hypnotherapist
Elliot Maguire, Life Coach, Hypnotherapist
Henry Maguire, Life Coach, Hypnotherapist
Martin J Maher, Life Coach, Hypnotherapist
Navida Mahmoud, Life Coach, Hypnotherapist
Miriam Maraver-Teruel, Life Coach, Hypnotherapist
Naomi Marriott, Life Coach, Hypnotherapist
Barbara Matheson, Life Coach, Hypnotherapist
Angela Mather, NLP coach, Hypnotherapist
Mica May, Corporate Coach and Personal Coach
Chris Meaden, NLP Coach, Hypnotherapist
Linzi Meaden, NLP Coach, Hypnotherapist
Kasia Mercer, Life Coach, Hypnotherapist
Gillian McCamley, NLP Coach, Hypnotherapist
Julie McCann, Life Coach, Hypnotherapist
Katy McColl, NLP Coach, Hypnotherapist
Yvonne McDermott, Life Coach, Hypnotherapist
Lesley McDonald, Life Coach, Hypnotherapist
Elizabeth A McDougall, Life Coach, Hypnotherapist
Katy McDowall, Life Coach, Hypnotherapist
Claire McNulty, Life Coach, Hypnotherapist
Jackie McPhail, Hypnotherapist
Tress Middlemass, Life Coach, Hypnotherapist
Denise Millington, Corporate and Personal Coach
Yvonne Millward, Hypnotherapist
Scott L Montgomery, Life Coach, Hypnotherapist
Julliette Mullen, Life coach, Hypnotherapist
David P Murphy, Life Coach, Hypnotherapist
Harriet Murphy, Life Coach, Hypnotherapist
Thamir Nassier, Weight Coach, Hypnotherapist
Emma Louise Neill, Life coach, Hypnotherapist
Patricia Nesbitt, Hypnotherapist
Lynne O’Brien, NLP Coach, Hypnotherapist
Kinga Oldham, Life Coach, Hypnotherapist
Jennifer Oxnard, Corporate and Personal Coach
Alex Palin, Coach
Rachel Phillips, Corporate and Personal Coach
Dylan Edgar Powell, Life Coach, Hypnotherapist
Emma Power, Life coach, Hypnotherapist
Ronald Harry Pusey, Life Coach, Hypnotherapist
Peter Pringle, Life Coach, Hypnotherapist
Stephen Proctor, Life Coach, Hypnotherapist
Rachel Pryer, Hypnotherapist
Ron Pusey, Life Coach, Hypnotherapist, Trainer
Yvonne Quaintrell, Life Coach, Hypnotherapist
Tracey Ramsey, Life Coach, Hypnotherapist
Carmela Reed, Life Coach, Hypnotherapist
Tracy Regan, Corporate and Personal Coach
Kathie Reid, Life Coach, Hypnotherapist
Kirsty Reid, Life Coach, Hypnotherapist
Yvonne Reid, Life Coach, Hypnotherapist
Emma Rae Rhead, Life Coach, Hypnotherapist
Sally Rhodes, Life Coach, Hypnotherapist
Emrys Roberts, Coach
Andrew Robertson, Life Coach, Hypnotherapist
Ed Roe, NLP Coach, Hypnotherapist
June Rodger, NLP Coach, Hypnotherapist
Hayley Romain, Coach
Michelle Rose, NLP Coach, Life Coach, Hypnotherapist
Lynne Ross, Life Coach, Hypnotherapist
Janene Rudge, Life Coach, Hypnotherapist
Annabel Russell, NLP Coach, Hypnotherapist
Iona Russell, Life Coach, Hypnotherapist
Fiona Rutterford, Life Coach, Hypnotherapist
Marco Santi, Life Coach, Hypnotherapist
Indranath Sen, Hypnotherapist
Osmaan Sharif, NLP Coach, Hypnotherapist
Helena Sharma, Hypnotherapist
Ellis Simister, NLP Coach, Hypnotherapist
Susie Simister, NLP Coach, Hypnotherapist
Yvonne Sinclair, Hypnotherapist
Victoria Sinicki, Hypnotherapist
Cheryl Slade, Life Coach Hypnotherapist
Nikki Slade, Corporate and Personal Coach, Voice Coach
Claire Smith, Life Coach, Hypnotherapist
Fiona Smith, Life Coach, Hypnotherapist
Wolfgang Spenke, Life Coach, Hypnotherapist
Helen Mary Stearn, Life Coach, Hypnotherapist
Angela Stewart, Life Coach, Hypnotherapist
Fiona Sutherland, Life Coach, Hypnotherapist
Pat Taylor, Life Coach, Hypnotherapist
Kimberley Thompson, Life Coach, Hypnotherapist
Sheila Thompson, Life Coach, Hypnotherapist
Hazel Thomson, Life Coach, Hypnotherapist, Trainer
Carol Troy, Life Coach, Hypnotherapist
Brendan Tyreman, Life Coach, Hypnotherapist
Christina-Catalina Vasiliu, Life Coach, Hypnotherapist
Susan Van Der Westhuzen, Coach, Hypnotherapist
Senga Vance, Life Coach, Hypnotherapist
Anne Varney, Life Coach, Hypnotherapist
Cristina-Catalina Vasiliu, Life Coach, Hypnotherapist
Alexander Waddell, Life Coach, Hypnotherapist
Tony Walker, Life Coach, Hypnotherapist
Damian E Walsh, Life Coach, Hypnotherapist
Sarah Ward, Life Coach, Hypnotherapist
Sarah Warner, Life Coach, Hypnotherapist
Marie Watson, NLP Coach, Hypnotherapist
Susan Watson, Life Coach, Hypnotherapist
Margaret Wheeler, Life Coach, Hypnotherapist
Diane Williams, Hypnotherapist
K. Sara J. Wood, Life Coach, Clinical Hypnotherapist
Ian Young, Life Coach, Hypnotherapist
If any complaints are received by the above bodies of any the members then there is a thorough investigation and in cases where the investigation is upheld then the names are immediately removed from the register in line with the ethics and policies of the IIPCH.